I checked #5 today, so, the supers are as follows 10, 10, 9, 10, with the last number being the top super. #4 is struggling with 10, 10, 5 #2 with 10,9, 10. and #1 with 10, 10, 9 (I think), 5. So I can safely say that they're all thriving except for #4. the other three will be ready to be split soon.A reasonable nectar flow is now on and# 5 is determined to build comb on the hive cover, so I just gave them(the girls) 2 more frames totaling 10.ie. a full super. Just wanted to say that they are very aggressive. I read somewhere that bigger hives have more at stake (and more guard bees), so I hope they're not being bothered at night.
Just in case you wondered, I lost my #3 hive in late July to the wax moth..Such a tragedy. I was so grossed out, and ended up torching the equipment, because the bees had already absconded and all that was left was a mass of web, and nasty looking moth larva..ugh! (now in retrospect I regret burning my equipment).
In the picture it shows the bees desperately trying to get rid of the larvae, but relative to the larvae they were grossly outnumbered.